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Showing posts from 2019

Fat bellied rants

These days I have so much to say but most times I just stay at the blinking cursor, is it writer’s block, I have no words to trap and put down; they’re flying free like birds outside the Sydney museum. It’s definitely not joy that I feel down in me, this is intense pain it's swelling up inside of me and I’ve not been drinking yeast.           A mad professor told me once “I think it’s funny that you expect people to treat you the way you treat them” (inserts Joker laughter) life isn’t a fairytale your fairy godmother won’t appear one day and “hipity bipity boop” away all your pains you would face it and you would face most of it alone.  I feel we are going through similar struggles and so we should try making things easier for each other. It's rather disgusting to see broken people break other people ; but this is becoming a norm. 2019? We go buy benzzzzzzzzzz! Lol, you didn’t tell me I would see shege, you didn’t tell me I would f...

Never- A- Date

Today boredom brought back some nostalgic feelings, yeah, and today I’ll be talking about my horrible dates I know they may not beat your stories but they sure left me with this gut feeling in my throat. I’m going to change the names of these characters so I can save them and hope they change when you probably meet them its Calabar by the way most men here are definitely recycled( that’s if you’re in the city; and drop that silly idea I barely go out., as matter of  fact I’m a couch potato who complains about being bored and most times makes no move whatsoever to save myself and I have bad luck with guys) I'd tag the guys as Specimen A, B, and so on( sorry if I seem sexist) but these were my white rats, but I wasn't inducing them with Asthma.(Apologies; it's 2019 all jokes are sensitive) So specimen A I didn’t plan to meet the human being but sometimes my love for food lands me in the weirdest situation "HND" says food would kill me someday and I no l...

Loving The Stethoscope

Who needs Dopamine transmission? being with you does the trick- anon On Loving the stethoscope… When I took the plunge I had no idea what the water currents felt like, if there’s one major decision which put me at crossroads of should I or shouldn’t i. It was the decision to date HND. What I know for sure is that after the first month or so everything changes, you get to be around this person more often and you get really comfortable around this person. I was quite comfortable at the beginning anyway but I obviously had my reservations, I remember this evening he was walking me down to where I can board a car; it was dark (thanks to the children of the underworld who stole solar panels for the university street lights) well if you know me well you’d know seeing well in the dark is an extreme sport for me most times I would walk right into a puddle before I realize. Well, he had seen a gutter ahead and offered to hold my hands to cross over in my stubbornness I told him “no...