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Calabar Runs"Marian Market" (National tour by Afropolitan Gurl)

so got some E-mails bout my recent silence well basically lets say before an artist goes on tour she sources for inspiration now back to my Article on Markets here in Calabar.

Well my last trip  to Marian Market was epic, Nigerian markets are full of vibe there's never a dull moment, I was dropped off at the unity bank just opposite the market then i saw Children and Women running after two "Big Chicks" chanting the well known Nigerian phrase (Ashewo: just what we call Whores over here) well the crowd chased this two girls for a considerable distance. Then i asked a trader the reason and she just pointed out the fact that they wore clothes that were transparent without Underwear :).  Then back to my tour There's  an overhead bridge for the feeble minded pedestrians ( Better safe than sorry)
Okay Coming down you see like a car park just there

This work of art Caught my attention though had to go Closer to get a better shot

Note calabar is full of many Sculptures and its wonderful
Now thats the man Holding a Basket just at the entrance

Now i told you that Fruits and Vegetables are cheaper here due to supplies coming twice from the north and Farmers who come from surrounding towns in Cross River. I got native oranges from Obubra for 50 naira (9 oranges)

there's a place you get those pears,oranges,lemons,lime,corns, watermelons and so much more


  1. 9 Oranges for 50 bucks! Are you kidding?

  2. as at writing this who knows what buhari has caused again

  3. as at writing this who knows what buhari has caused again

    1. Afropolitan girl, did you get my email? 7th of June or so


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